Keeping Your Marriage Fierce
Keeping Your Marriage Fierce
A couple of weeks ago it was my husband and my second wedding anniversary! And how sweet of an anniversary it was. We didn't take a trip this time or have this extravagant plan in store. We simply exchanged gifts and had a lovely dinner out. Simple and Sweet; true to who we are!
This whole summer, like most summers for us are heavy with work. My husband and I both work our tails off because of how we were raised and we both like working for what we deserve. Summers though, are always tough for us since Cory, my hubs works close to 100 hours a week. To stay true to ourselves as a couple and only being married for two years, we learned quickly that we have to decide to put in the effort to keep our marriage fierce and not just afloat. I want to share with you a few tips on how to do just that. Five fierce tips we use all the time to keep our marriage Godly, loving, and selfless.
Im sharing this because of how true and close it is to my heart. Though we love what we do, it is hard sometimes to keep up a healthy and strong marriage. Cory works so much in the summer and we hardly see each other. About three summers ago we moved to Colorado and got married later that year. Ever since then it has been a whirlwind of figuring out what is right in our marriage according to God. Every one and every couple is and are different and that is quite an understatement. Cory and I are not perfect and need Jesus to get us through every day. Read on to learn what we do to keep our marriage FIERCE!
1. Respect and love each other in the way they need
2. Take advantage of every second you have with each other.
This one is personal for us. Since he works so much in the summer, we have had no other choice but to make the time we have with each other count. We do this in many ways. The mornings he has off, we love to go grab some breakfast. We also do bible studies together or even shop together. We try not to waist our precious time together fighting over useless things. Sometimes it is easier said than done.
3. Be intentional with each other
Because Cory works so much, we choose to be intentional with each other and a lot of what we do. I intentionally reach out to him on days and ask him what I can do for him intentionally. He reaches out to me intentionally to tell me he loves me. It's what works for us and helps keep our marriage fierce and strong.
4. Be each others cheerleader
Encourage, encourage, encourage! I love to be someone's cheerleader. And for the last couple of years I have had the great joy to cheer on my husband! My whole life my dad used to call me the cheerleader of the family. I was always that kid with a smile on my face and positivity in hand to help push through anything. I know this doesn't come natural to everyone. I encourage you to still encourage! It goes a long way when you stand behind some one and boost their spirits.
5. Pray together.
If this doesn't go far in a relationship then I don't know what will. We often pray together and it does nothing but bond us. We love to pray together and share such a vulnerable moment with one another. The couple to pray together, stays together!
Tip of the day:
Live a little on the edge of your world to be fierce in your marriage. You could see changes in your marriage if you change in your life.
Marissa Ruth Melroy
Sweet lover of simple things , lover of Jesus, my husband and this life we live.
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